Home Workout

Home Workout

4 PDF files


Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: The Challenges of Training From Home
  • Pushing Yourself From Home
  • Chapter 2: Creating Your Awesome Home Gym
  • What Makes a Good Home Gym?
  • The Basics You Should Invest In
  • Chapter 3: How Muscle Growth Works
  • The Basics
  • Chapter 4: Using Intensity Techniques to Unlock Your Full Potential
  • The Weider Intensity Principles
  • Applying This Method at Home
  • Putting it Into Practice
  • An Example
  • Chapter 5: Training Your Legs At Home
  • Using Bodyweight
  • Weighting Up
  • Chapter 6: Bodyweight Training and How to Learn Incredible Beast Moves
  • The Basics
  • How to Perform Awesome Beast Moves
  • Chapter 7: Introducing Cardio and Weight Loss
  • Adding CV Work
  • HIIT
  • In Defence of Steady State Cardio
  • Chapter 8: The Last Piece of the Puzzle - Diet
  • Calories VS Carbs
  • The Answer
  • Conclusion