Anti-Anxiety Guide

Anti-Anxiety Guide

2 PDF files


Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 - You and Your Anxiety: How to Overcome Your Stuck Points
  • The Multifaceted You
  • Worksheet 1 - What Do You See?
  • Understanding Your Anxiety and What It Is Doing to You
  • Worksheet 2 - What Does Your Behavior Say of You?
  • Reflecting upon Your Triggers and Identifying Beliefs That are Standing in Your Way
  • Worksheet 3 - Imagery Exposure
  • Mindfully Moving Beyond the Beliefs Blocking Your Path
  • Worksheet 4 - Recognizing Your Challenges
  • Where to Next?
  • Chapter 2 - Your Mind, Your Body: How to Face Your Inner Demons
  • Putting Events, Emotions, and Vibrations Together
  • Imagining the Worst
  • Self-Blame. Self Loathe. All of it.
  • Connecting Them with Your Mind and Body
  • Worksheet 7 - Talking Yourself Out of Anxiety
  • Chapter 3 - Overcoming Resistance to Change
  • Recognizing Any Resistance to Change
  • Worksheet 8 - The Fear of Change Quiz
  • Belief-Systems That Stop You from Acting on a Change
  • Self-Sympathy. Self-Loathe. Anxiety. Depression.
  • What Do You See?
  • Worksheet 9 - Acting on Your Change -Blocking Systems
  • Re-writing Your Life - One Change at a Time
  • Chapter 4 - Reflection: How to Arrive at Acceptance and Move on From There
  • Understanding Your Body Signals
  • Worksheet 10 - Tracking Your Body's Signals
  • Minding Your Moods
  • Worksheet 11 - Mood Tracker
  • Finding Acceptance
  • What Are Distorted Thought Patterns?
  • Worksheet 12 - Distorted Thoughts Tracker
  • Assessing Your Present and Preparing a Plan for the Future
  • Connect with Now
  • Worksheet 13 - Setting Goals
  • Chapter 5 - Acting against Angst: How to Act on Your Fears and Achieve Your Goals
  • Evading Avoidance
  • Worksheet 14 - Identifying Your Fears
  • Acting against Your Fears
  • Worksheet 15 - Taking the Step-Up Approach
  • Begin the Process
  • Create and Execute Your Plan
  • Consider Every Aspect That Might Influence, Conflict or Jeopardize Your Plan
  • Be Mindful of Any possible Setbacks, But Don't Let Them Wear You Down
  • No Need to Hurry
  • Know When You've Tried Too Long
  • It's Okay to Fall. Fail Too
  • Realign Your Plan. Improvise Too
  • Complete What You've Taken
  • Become a Better Version of You
  • Chapter 6 - Navigating Self-Imposed Obstacles: How to Stop Being a Hard Task Master
  • Moving Ahead of Any past Pain Memories
  • Moving Away from the Past You Need to Leave Behind
  • Worksheet 17 - Letting Go
  • Overcoming Obsessions
  • Worksheet 18 - Recognizing Any Obsessions
  • New Beginnings
  • Worksheet 20 - Creating Tomorrow
  • Chapter 7 - Preventing Burnout: How to Overcome Your Anxiety without Getting Tied-Down by the Idea of Perfection
  • Setting Real Expectations
  • Worksheet 21 - Expectation Tracker
  • Perfectionism and Borrowed Expectations
  • Leaving No Room to Pause. Falter Too
  • Avoiding Comparisons
  • Worksheet 22 - Becoming the Change You Want to See
  • Change Everything If You Have To, but Change Them One Thing at a Time
  • Fear of Feedback
  • Worksheet 23 - Overcoming Feedback Fears
  • Reward Yourself. You've Made Great Progress
  • Chapter 8 - You've Got This: How to Banish Worry and Live Panic-Free
  • Simplify
  • Breathe
  • Exercise
  • Express Yourself. Talk It Out or Journal Your Thoughts
  • Listen to Music
  • Spend Time with Pets
  • Give Your Mind Something More Productive to Chew On
  • Stay in the Present
  • You Decide. Ready or Not?
  • Worksheet 24 - Gathering Your Tools
  • Conclusion