Gluten Free Guide

Gluten Free Guide

3 PDF files


Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 - Wheat and Celiac Disease - The Downside of Gluten
  • Chapter 2 - Shopping Gluten-Free
  • Have a Plan
  • You at the Supermarket
  • Chapter 3 - Getting Started with the Gluten-Free Life
  • A Gluten-Free Kitchen
  • Cleaning Out the Bathroom
  • You and Booze
  • Gluten and Your Medicine Cabinet
  • Gluten-Free Pantry
  • Necessary Foods in Your Pantry
  • Chapter 4 - Dining Out and Being Social
  • What's For Dinner?
  • You've Met Mr. or Ms. Right
  • You're the Host
  • Finding a Restaurant
  • Make Gluten-Free Friends
  • Chapter 5 - Avoiding the Pitfalls of Gluten-Free
  • Traveling Gluten-Free
  • Chapter 6 - Emotional Obstacles to Having Celiac Disease
  • When You Are Tempted to Cheat
  • Taking Control of Your Emotions
  • Chapter 7 - Gluten, ADHD and Autism
  • Gluten-Free and Autism
  • Beware of Chocolate
  • Chapter 8 - Adapting Your Diet to Gluten-Free
  • Baking Your Favorite Treats the Gluten-Free Way
  • Making Good Substitutions in Your Recipes
  • Conclusion