Podcasting Profits Guide

Podcasting Profits Guide

3 PDF files


Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: How To Choose A Podcast Niche That Fits You
  • People trust authority
  • Picking the right niche
  • Chapter 2: Branding Yourself For Success From The Start
  • What's your podcast's mission and vision?
  • Establish your podcast's voice and personality
  • Consistency matters
  • Build a community around your brand
  • Chapter 3: Get Your Podcasting Equipment In Order
  • The most essential podcasting tools
  • Chapter 4: Plan Your Podcast Episodes With A Purpose
  • Commitment is key
  • Organizing your content
  • Chapter 5: Record And Edit Your Podcast Audio Like A Pro
  • Recording done correctly
  • Editing audio like a pro
  • Stitching your final audio file
  • Chapter 6: Finding A Suitable Host For Your Podcast
  • Using a web hosting service
  • Using a podcast or media hosting service
  • Chapter 7: Launch Your Podcast Like A Rocket Ship
  • Podcast directories
  • Your personal network
  • Your blog
  • Get an influencer to promote you
  • Interview experts
  • Pay for ads
  • Chapter 8: How To Plug Your Products And Services
  • Be subtle
  • Always give value
  • Give alternatives
  • Chapter 9: Growing Your Audience Like A Chia Pet
  • Reviews and ratings matter
  • Hold contests
  • Promote, promote, promote
  • Chapter 10: Getting Advertisers And Sponsors For Your Podcast
  • A solid following
  • Listener engagement
  • Your integrity
  • Customer service
  • Conclusion