LinkedIn Marketing Guide

LinkedIn Marketing Guide

3 PDF files


Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 - The Current State of LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn for Business
  • Chapter 2 - How To Create a Killer Profile that Converts More Leads
  • Keeping Your Profile Up to Date
  • Adding a Profile and Cover Photo
  • Creating the Profile Section
  • Including Keywords In Your Profile
  • Publishing Content
  • Chapter 3 - How to Use Content Marketing on LinkedIn
  • Using LinkedIn for Content Marketing
  • Finding Your Target Audience
  • Creating Content
  • Releasing Your Content
  • Utilizing Video Ads on LinkedIn
  • Chapter 4 - Utilizing LinkedIn Groups to Increase Your Leads
  • Joining a Group
  • LinkedIn Discussions
  • The Benefits of Starting Your Own Group
  • Raises Your Profile
  • Lets You Send Weekly Emails
  • Drives Traffic to Your Website
  • Creates Community
  • Expand Your Personal Network
  • Generate Leads and Sales
  • Chapter 5 - How to Measure and Monitor Your Results
  • LinkedIn Analytics
  • Utilizing Google Analytics
  • The Overview Report
  • The Conversion Report
  • The Networks Referral Report
  • Data Hub Activity Report
  • Social Plug-In Report
  • The Social Visitors Flow Report
  • The Landing Pages Report
  • The Trackbacks Report
  • Tracking Custom Campaigns
  • Chapter 6 - How to Use a Premium LinkedIn Account to Get Even More Leads
  • Premium Business
  • Sales Navigator
  • Chapter 7 - How to Find and Sell Your Prospects
  • Ask for Introductions
  • Join Groups
  • Publish Content
  • Monitor Your Competitors
  • Follow Influencer's Pages
  • Create a Compelling Call to Action
  • Chapter 8 - Rookie LinkedIn Mistakes that You Need to Avoid
  • Content Not to Post
  • Privacy Settings
  • Adding Your Connections to Your Email Database
  • Over-posting Updates and Publishing Too Many Articles
  • Spamming Your Groups
  • Sending Generic Messages
  • Self-Promoting
  • Conclusion