Instagram Marketing Guide

Instagram Marketing Guide

3 PDF files


Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. The Value of Instagram
  • Knowing the Instagram Audience
  • Knowing Your Niche and Value Proposition
  • Chapter 2. Getting Set-Up and Creating a Plan
  • How to Set Up a Profile
  • Switching to a Business Account
  • Request Authentication
  • Chapter 3. Gaining Traction for Your Channel
  • Choosing What You Want to Be
  • Chapter 4. Growing Your Audience - Best Practices, Tips, and Tricks
  • Mentions
  • Hashtags
  • Geotag
  • Tagging People
  • Medium and Presentation
  • Timing
  • Social
  • Chapter 5. Taking Beautiful Pictures (And Other Options)
  • Taking and Editing Better Photos
  • Shooting Great Video
  • Smart Use of Filters
  • How to Succeed on Instagram Without Taking a Single Photo or Video
  • Use Stock Footage
  • Share Other Photos
  • Drawings
  • Chapter 6. Instagram Live, Stories, and More
  • Stories
  • Instagram Live
  • IGTV
  • Promotions
  • Ads
  • Another Way to Promote
  • Chapter 7. Integrating Instagram With Your Larger Marketing Strategy
  • Chapter 8. Monetization
  • Shopping on Instagram
  • Bio
  • Instagram Stories
  • Sponsors
  • Conclusion